About Milestone Family Solutions
Our Idea
Milestone Family Solutions was an idea in the mind of our Co Founder & CEO Staci Frazier, for well over a decade. This idea was nurtured and constructed from the need to assure parents are educated & supported along with Providers being passionate & understanding. While we cannot control state programs or how they operate, we can however help parents in the ways we know how. Our goal is to enhance the services available to NV parents & unite all NV Providers to help bolster current NV programs.
MFS has been created from Heart, Knowledge, Experience and the Passion for helping children and families. These attributes fuel the dedication of our Founders, Directors & Staff to do our best in offering help to NV families and children in need while we continuously rally support to bring ALL factions of our communities TOGETHER for this common cause, OUR FUTURE !!!

Our Needed & Wanted Services
MFS offers dedicated and passionate support & service to struggling NV parents, some with few options and in difficult situations which require immediate attention.
As we shared this concept and plan, practically every person we enlightened with this idea were instantly excited and wanting to help in all kinds of ways, especially parents of special needs children and professionals from all areas of Pediatric Services & Education, also including non related small business owners here in Las Vegas.
This excitement led to a large group of supporters with enthusiasm, who helped us add certain missing pieces to our equation and help our ideas come to life. Without this support, our resolve and passion alone could not feed the fire of this monumental undertaking, MFS has been, and always will be a team effort.

For over 30 years, our CEO herself has been through a lifetime of personal family experiences leading her toward child oriented careers and ultimately, the co Founding of MFS.
In addition to her experience with Special Education and Pediatric Mental Health programs; both personally with her children, and professionally with her career choices. This path has included a multitude of Child Therapy and Educational Programs, our CEO knows very well, what parents and children need, want, expect & DESERVE !!!
Our CEO’s path has explored many areas of Child Development simply by being a parent of 3 children which set her direction. Early in her family life she was raising 2 children and climbing the ladder in the field of Early Education to become a Director of her own PreSchool. When her youngest daughter was born, having been a Micro-Preemie, needing and receiving many Early Intervention Services in IL, our CEO temporarily gave up her career to focus on her family.
During the 1st few months of her daughter’s miraculous life, while she was visiting the hospital for multiple hours every day, our CEO also took it upon herself to form Parental Liaison relationships with other parents in the NICU to help comfort both English & Spanish families alike. After this experience and being that her youngest daughter was safely on the right developmental path with the help of IL Early Intervention, she wanted to help other families in her situation. This is how our CEO started her career as an IL Early Intervention Parental Liaison / Spanish Interpreter, focused on medically fragile cases…for 16 years.

As a PreSchool Teacher & Director, an Early Intervention Provider, and as a Director of an Early Intervention Community Provider here in Las Vegas. Our CEO has earned the respect of her peers over the last 30 years, and more importantly, her families.

“I personally look forward to meeting you, to sharing experiences and to exploring how MFS can offer many services and resources to enrich your family life.”
Staci Frazier – CEO – Executive Director
Our NV Experience
Our co Founders relocated to Nevada from Illinois for our CEO to fill this local Director position for an Early Intervention Community Provider. Their children were to attend CCSD schools, meanwhile her husband was doing some Marketing projects for the same E.I. agency. Unfortunately, it was too easy for these experienced parents of a combined 8 children, to see the differences in Developmental Services & Education available between NV & IL. Obviously, NV parents needed access to more guidance, help and support.!
Our Founders carefully assembled a very specific team of knowledgeable, experienced and local pediatric specialists with the same concerns and visions of helping NV parents. Most importantly, their children and our NV communities !!! Each passionate team member wanting to “Empower Parents with Knowledge and Children for Success” by filling the gaps between Educational and Therapeutic services and encompassing the whole Family Dynamic. MFS does not focus on just one individual or one particular situation, we provide services which entail all aspects of your parent & child unique situations.
This is only another detail which makes MFS different from many community services currently offered in NV and around the country.

Our Comunicación
We have all specialized in this extra need through our experiences and careers. This allows for MFS and families to better understand each other, creating trust and a stronger connection. This is unable to be accomplished over a speaker or skype, which many programs are now reverting to in order to cut costs, never MFS !!!
We eliminate the need Skype, because in our experience, it only adds stress and anxiety to an already difficult situation. Your family’s personal Developmental Educator is able to assist you in all of your interpretation needs, including Doctor visits, school meetings or anywhere interpretation services are not provided on a personal level. These Spanish services are also very useful to Therapy Providers & Child Care Providers in the form of seminars, client relations and client retention.

Our specialists come to you as Educators, all from backgrounds in one or more of the services we provide and some related ones we don’t. Many of our D.E’s also work full time in our Las Vegas Education, Social Services, and Behavioral or Rehabilitative Therapeutic industries. MFS has chosen only the best applicants with experience and skills including; Family & Child Case Management, Early Developmental Intervention, Early Education, Special Education, Child Psychology and various Pediatric Therapies and Behavior Modification techniques, each one inspired to enrich your families lives in any way we can!