Our Promise

We promise to assist your family by providing support and resources to improve and strengthen your family’s dynamics. We educate and train families regarding parental confidence and competence, as well as other areas where positive parenting and family functioning are a concern. MFS will enhance your family’s ability to have time for a better family life. We do this by focusing on specific interventions derived from an understanding of each family member’s wants and needs, all individualized to your specific situation. MFS offers day, evening and weekend hours which you and your Developmental Educator can schedule together, at your home or natural environment of choice. This process helps in minimizing the stress of a strict, non flexible environment and schedule, which is missing in most other programs.
We promise to make the most of every hour spent with you and your family, while working on your concerns and determining what interventions are needed. We will continuously prioritize when and how to provide these particular interventions, always striving for the best possible care, direction and results.
MFS will provide the appropriate implementation of all practices to ensure services are responsive to the diverse needs of each child and family member. Your Developmental Educator will work with you concerning family participation and decision making while promoting the use of recommended practices for positive outcomes.
We at MFS promise to always provide our services with flexibility, patience, quality and compassion, while also understanding each family’s unique situations. We will never turn any family away, if we cannot help with our direct services, we have a network of resources and will always know someone who can !!!