Are your kids ready for an amazing summer? At MFS we will assure the fun with additional learning experiences to help them grow. We will introduce your child to new and fun experiences. Our theme weeks will include expressive art, music and movement, dramatic play, science, kitchen projects, nutrition and so much more!!! Each week is designed to be fun and interactive for ALL children. We are a full inclusion program, welcoming children with and without special needs!
At Milestone Family Solutions we will provide your child with activities in a sensory-friendly, safe and secure environment. We will not only meet their individual needs, but also provide an activity based modern learning atmosphere. Children will enjoy structured activities that develop learning, leadership skills, encouraging imagination and promoting positive social skills.
Our vision is to provide a space where children have the comforts of home and feel they can be themselves. Children of all abilities can enjoy interacting with each other in a more creative and innovative way. We are bridging the gap between school, therapy and home, providing an environment for children that mixes fun and learning with a therapeutic approach! Our goal is to provide an open, flexible learning environment supported by a range of experiences including creating, applying, communicating and decision making to initiate a healthy mix of learning and play.
Milestone Family Solutions encourages RBTs and other therapists to attend our programs with your clients, utilize the different rooms in the center and our supplies, as long as the child is attending our program. This has proven to be very beneficial for both the child and therapist.
MFS Academy will remain open for those needing year round home school support or academic tutoring and our Fun with Fundamentals workshop will be starting again soon!
All of our programs are DRC Respite and SDFSA approved!
Daily Schedule
Policies & Procedures
9:00-9:30 AM: Wake Up to Learning
- Independent Reading, Games, Puzzles
- Free Writing, Coloring, Drawing
9:30-10:15 AM: Sensory/ Free Play
- Sensory Table(s)
- Creative Art Stations
- Pretend Play Centers
10:15-10:45: Snack Time
- Self-Help and Fine Motor Skill Development
- Themed Snack Preparation
- Eating/Socializing Together
10:45-11:30: Let’s Get Moving
- Free Play (balls, tunnels, tents, balance boards, trampolines)
- Naturally Occurring Interactive Games
- Physical Development
11:30 AM-Noon: Wind Down for Lunch
- Group Sharing/Social Activity (weekly Show-N-Tell)
- Group Story Time
Noon-12:30 PM: Lunch
- Self-Help and Communication Skill Building
- Discussions about Nutrition and Health
12:30-1:15 PM: Art/Science Structured Activity
- Building, Experimenting
- Coloring, Painting
- Taping, Glueing, Cutting
1:15-2:00 PM: Musical/Movement Structured Activity
- Obstacle Courses
- Tumbling/Yoga
- Expressive Dance
2:00-3:00 PM: End of Day Wind Down
- Interactive and Teaming Activities
- STEAM Activities
- Snack
- Movie (Discussion following)
Arrivals: Children must sanitize their hands and have their temperature taken upon arrival. All children will be signed in and signed out upon departure.
Attire: Attire should be comfortable and appropriate to activities and weather. Please send one set of additional clothing, labeled with your child’s name.
Meals: Two snacks (am and pm) and drinks will be provided during the day. Please send lunch for your child daily. We will keep all parents informed of any allergies at the center or changes to what you can send.
Tuition: Tuition is due one week prior to your child’s weekly start date, and will be billed every two weeks. The initial fees will be collected at the
time of your registration.
Space is limited and reserved on a first come first serve basis.
Please register with the center director ahead of time for scheduling purposes.
We schedule our staff according to enrollment, therefore tuition is non-refundable.
Absences: We ask that you call us as soon as you know your child is ill and will not be attending the program. All children need to be fever and symptom free for at least 24 hours prior to returning to the center. See our sick policy for more information. *Absences are non-refundable.
Departure: Children will only be released to those named on their registration form. We will ask for identification for all new people picking up children, please have an ID available. If anything changes, please notify the center director immediately.
*A $10 fee will be charged to your account for every 15 min. you are late picking up.

Location: MFS Family Enrichment Center
3145 E. Warm Springs Rd., Suite 200
Las Vegas, NV 89120
Phone: 224 – 401 – 5900