MFS is excited to announce our collaboration with Children’s Bureau of Southern California who has engineered our customized and much anticipated FAF Assessment software. Using this software will not only help us bring expedient service to our clients, but will also enable MFS to provide our clients with additional & needed information from a reliable yet different perspective using new methodologies.
After researching throughout most of the past year, MFS has finally decided the CBSC’s FAF Software is the absolute best software application to fit the needs of our staff and more importantly, the needs of Las Vegas parents, with customizations for our company specifically.
The FAF assessment tool has been used throughout the US and internationally by child welfare and family service agencies for over 30 years. Changes between pre- and post-test scores have been used to demonstrate program success and inform agency program improvement decisions. This means it will help MFS to adapt to the needs of our clients and also show us how we can improve our system to provide better services (unlike any other software currently being used in this Las Vegas industry)
FAF’s Mission:
As part of the Children’s Bureau of Southern California, a private non-profit agency specializing in the prevention and treatment of child abuse. Our team follows the Children’s Bureau mission: to protect vulnerable children through prevention, treatment, and advocacy.
“At FAF, we extend this mission a step further: to strengthen families through innovative tech solutions. We work to improve social work practices and aid family strengthening agencies by introducing cutting edge technology that benefits agencies at every level.”
This is not only very close to our own mission and exactly the kind of program LV parents have been waiting for, they also have a heart in their logo which means we are meant to work together 😉
After researching many other types of programs, aps and online assessments, unfortunately, they all seemed to be outdated with older methodologies used and not as customizable to our particular needs. We at MFS were absolutely amazed at what FAF had to offer. The quality of their program and the commitment of their staff to literally make struggling family’s lives better through their software were the biggest decision factors.
If you ever had or have any questions about your child’s diagnoses or have disagreed with any past assessments, MFS and FAF brings you more options and the chance to gain an experienced 2nd opinion, or a new methodology assessment and associated success plan.
To learn more about Children’s Bureau of Southern California please follow this:
To learn more about FAF Software please follow this:
Don’t worry Las Vegas parents, what you have been looking for is here !!!
Call us to find our more.
702-908-0334 or 224-401-5900
Happy Valentine’s Day Las Vegas !!!!